Is it morning for you yet?

MSSA en la 58 Bienal Carnegie International

Artista(s): Anders Åberg, Ximena Armas, N. Bavoujav, Francisco Brugnoli, Derek Boshier, Valentina Cruz, Maryse Eloy, Öyvind Fahlström, Leonilda González, Patricia Israel y Alberto Pérez, Hanns Karlewski, Myra Landau, Carol Law, Sambuungiin Machbat, Ricardo Mesa, Gontran Guanaes Netto, Luis Felipe Noé, Paul Peter Piech, Ernest Pignon-Ernest, Alfredo Portillos, Hugo Rivera-Scott, Lilo Salberg, SANALBAT, Eduardo Terrazas, Luis Tomasello, Bat T. Tchouloun, Unidentified Chilean Women, Ryszard Winiarski.

Curaduría: Sohrab Mohebbi. Curaduría adjunta: MSSA

Lugar: Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh (EE.UU.)

Fecha de Inauguración: 24/09/2022

Fecha de término: 02/04/2023

Un total de 36 obras de la Colección del MSSA y 10 facsímiles de su Archivo junto a videos y piezas textiles producidas por las Textileras MSSA, serán parte de la exhibición de arte Is it morning for you yet? en la 58° Carnegie International, la más antigua realizada en América del Norte y que será inaugurada el 24 de septiembre de 2022 en el Carnegie Museum of Art de la ciudad de Pittsburgh, EEUU. 

Curada por Sohrab Mohebbi, la 58° Carnegie International rastrea la huella geopolítica de los Estados Unidos desde 1945 para situar lo “internacional” dentro de un contexto local. La muestra superpone obras históricas de las colecciones de instituciones, patrimonios y artistas internacionales, con nuevos encargos y obras recientes de artistas contemporáneos.

En esta línea, el Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende (MSSA) fue invitado a realizar una curaduría adjunta. Este trabajo fue generado colectivamente por el equipo MSSA y se expresa simbólicamente a través de la figura de la espora, por sus cualidades dispersivas y reproductivas, incluso en condiciones adversas. El MSSA ha sido y sigue pensándose como un museo sin muros, vivo, descentralizado y ligero que desde sus primeros años, pasando por su exilio hasta hoy, ha situado su quehacer en el escenario artístico internacional sin dejar de atender su vocación comprometida con el territorio local y la comunidad.

La presencia del MSSA en la 58° Carnegie International se fundamenta en cuatro ejes de sentido que se despliegan en la sala donde se exhibe: Relatos de resistencia, Efecto espejo, Arqueología de los afectos y Todo es cancha. Cada uno es una constelación de obras, archivos y experiencias en diálogo que hablan por el Museo y, entre ellas, sus susurros se multiplican como esporas para ser vivenciadas por el público que visite la muestra.

Sohrab Mohebbi (1981) es el curador de la 58º Carnegie International. También se desempeña como curador general en el SculptureCenter de Nueva York y, en 2022, fue nombrado director del SculptureCenter. Es asesor de la Rijksakademie en Amsterdam y ha organizado exposiciones y programas para el Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN; High Desert Test Sides, Joshua Tree, CA; SALT, Estambul; y el Center for Historical Reenactments, Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica. Mohebbi ha organizado exposiciones individuales de Banu Cennetoğlu, Fiona Connor, Tishan Hsu, Hassan Khan, John Knight y Falke Pisano, entre otros. Sus exposiciones colectivas incluyen Searching the Sky for Rain (2019), It is obvious from the map (2017, co-comisariada por Thomas Keenan) y Hotel Theory (2015, con Ruth Estévez), que recibió el Emily Hall Tremaine Exhibition Award en 2013.


A total of 36 works from the MSSA Collection and 10 facsimiles from its Archive, together with videos and textile pieces produced by the MSSA Textile Womyn [Textileras MSSA] , will be part of the art exhibition Is it morning for you yet? at the 58th Carnegie International, the oldest held in North America, which will be inaugurated on September 24th, 2022 at the Carnegie Museum of Art in the city of Pittsburgh, USA.

Curated by Sohrab Mohebbi, the 58th Carnegie International traces the geopolitical footprint of the United States since 1945 to place the «international» within a local context. The exhibit overlaps historical works from the collections of international institutions, heritage sites and artists, with new commissions and recent works by contemporary artists.

On this context, the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende (MSSA) was invited to carry out an adjunct curatorship. This work was collectively generated by the MSSA team and it is symbolically expressed through the figure of the spore, for its dispersive and reproductive qualities, even in adverse conditions. The MSSA has been and continues to think of itself as a museum without walls, alive, decentralized and lightweight, which from its early years, through its exile until today, has placed its work on the international art scene without ceasing to attend to its vocation committed to the local territory and the community.

The presence of the MSSA at the 58th Carnegie International is based on four axes of meaning that unfold in the room where it is exhibited: Stories of resistance [Relatos de resistencia], Mirror effect [Efecto espejo], Archeology of affections [Arqueología de los afectos] and All is field [Todo es cancha]. Each one is a constellation of works, archives and experiences in dialogue that speak for the Museum and, among them, their whispers multiply like spores to be experienced by the public that visits the exhibition.

Sohrab Mohebbi (1981) is the Curator of the 58th Carnegie International. He also
serves as curator-at-large at SculptureCenter in New York, and in 2022, was appointed Director of
SculptureCenter. He is an advisor at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam and has organized exhibitions and programs for the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN; High Desert Test Sites, Joshua Tree, CA; SALT, Istanbul; and the Center for Historical Reenactments, Johannesburg, South Africa. He received an MA from the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College and a BFA in photography from Tehran Art University. Mohebbi has organized solo exhibitions by Banu Cennetoğlu, Fiona Connor, Tishan Hsu, Hassan Khan, John Knight, and Falke Pisano, among others. His group exhibitions include Searching the Sky for Rain (2019), It is obvious from the map (2017; co-curated by Thomas Keenan) and Hotel Theory (2015; with Ruth Estévez), which received the Emily Hall Tremaine Exhibition Award in 2013. In 2012, he was the recipient of an Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant for his blog Presence Documents.

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